The INLL has established a set of common rules with the aim of ensuring the smooth running of the school as a place for effective language learning. These rules complement the INLL’s Charter and the Grand-Ducal regulations which set out the status and the organisation of the INLL.
Students commit to using the learning strategies and tools put at their disposal and which are essential for effective language learning. All learners sign an attendance list for each lesson, provided that they are present for at least 70% of the lesson time.
Members of the school community (students, teachers and staff) will:
Any theft or damage to school property will be billed.
Only people who are registered for the course are allowed in the classroom.
Everybody must:
Within the premises of the institute, it is strictly forbidden to:
Any student whose behaviour is clearly affected by alcohol, medicine, drugs or other substances will be required to leave the classroom immediately. The student risks police involvement and/or prosecution depending on the severity of the incident.
The INLL accepts no liability in case of theft, loss, disappearance, damage or accidents to a student’s personal property. It is therefore recommended not to bring any objects of value onto INLL premises. Any accident that occurs on the premises must be immediately reported to school management.
Failure to respect these rules can lead to disciplinary measures including exclusion from the INLL.
School management